What do you want to see next?

Helloo everyone, I'm writing this post to ask you something.

Okay, so I'm already working on the next version of the game (v0.3), doing some changes and also adding more content mainly for the NeoVision glasses.

The thing is that I want to also are more content on the game in general, so I wanted to ask you what do you want to see next on the game, make your suggestions in the comments section and I'll be answering all of you ^^


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what I lacked during the passage of the previous version was that when something was expanded, donations from streams did not increase. In my opinion, donations should increase depending on the appearance of the heroine


Yes, I'm already working on that


yoohoo~ Scrolled the comments before leaving one for inspiration, and most of them have some really good ideas, albeit some require a decent amount of time and technical insight. Size upgrade bars, cleaner economy scaling, more content with the slime, etc etc. You're doing great though! Excited for more in the future!


Thank youu, I'm already working on the next version 😉

Can you add pregnancy? 💖 💖

I'm sorry but I don't like that fetish


Oh.. How about vore 💖

Well, I can think about it


Yay 😍 Thank you so much I love your game ❤️❤️❤️

(1 edit) (+1)

First and foremost : progress on the growth levels (could be a bar, could be a bit of text like "1/5", anything so we can see where we are at basically)

Additional growth levels (most obvious suggestion, but I'm aware of the work it is on the image quantity side, so at your discretion ;) )

Height growth levels : the scrolls gives a full blown Giantess growth scene, but how about standard "growth" that would gradually lead to the character becoming a mini-Giantess (think like ... twice the average adult size or something ? keeping it "not too much" so the character can still evolve in society despite the growth) ?

I assume it's already planned, but some content for the slime girl ... (oh and a progress bar for her feeding too ?)

Aside from that, just "moar content" :D

Don't worry I'm currently working on a level bar for everything :)

Yeah I'll work on more growth levels bc I know it's the main event, but it takes some time with the coding

Yes that's the main problem about the giantess potion, but as many people have already asked me to do so, I will try to do what I can ;D

And for the slime girl I'm working on some more functions for her for the next version 



  1. more slime girl content, idk if im dumb but all that effort and i couldnt figure out if it did anything
  2. magic items that actually do stuff, like more and not just images
  3. more events, like random city explorations or something
  4. more characters, you dont interact with hardly anyone
  5. progress bars, its wierd spending a bunch of time clicking and buying potions only for them to not do anything, at first i thought it was broken. 
  6. expanded jobs, a way to upgrade and improve them and events from them etc. candy store does this well. 
  7. more expansion, the upper limit is kinda small for these kinda games
  8. significant other, and multiple options for it once your kinda far into the game. 
  9. interactions with the nemesis character
  10. one really important thing is reactions to growth effects, really helps it hit home because the only affect from a ton of back and forth grind is if you click mirror and she slightly changes

just some random thoughts i had

best of luck!

1. For the moment the slime'll just grow into its final form, I'm planning to do more for the next version

2. Yeah, I was planning to do that, but I have to think what magic items I should add

3. Yeah, I also wanted to do that I'll try to bring that in the next version

4. I was planning to add a park, so there you'll socialise more

5. Oh, I'm sorry I'll try to do that

6. Yeah, I have improved some things for the next little update

7. As I have said to another person, it takes a long time, so it'll take me more time.

8. I didn't understand this one

9. Yeah, I'll work on the main story as well

10. Yeah, it'll be complex but I'll do my best


i job idea would be a maid. i kinda want to go the the school since the first part take place at school its kind of weird you never go back there at all and it would be interesting to se mc in a swimsuit


development is def a journey :D , and 8 is about being able to date characters or having love interests in the game


1. muscle growth 

2. futa 

3. futa Growth 

4. TF into a Furry ( dragon, cat, dog...)

5. mini giantesse

6. mate with the slime girl 

7. hade fight 

8. curse 

9. possess by a slime 

10. demon , succubus 

11. boy friend 

12. Had french (because i am a french )

 13. boy friend 

14. eat the slime food and see what he dose 

15. eat the slime and make the part of your body bigger 

 Sorry for the spelling mistakes. 

Dude, wtf? I’m not judging, but there’s too much here.


1-4: I don't really like those fetishes so I won't add that I'm sorry, at most I could add something furry, but no promises

5. That's something you have in the scroll, or is that not what you mean?

6. Yeah I have thought something of that

7. I don't know what do you mean

8. Same as the 7

9. That could be a good idea

10. Yeah, I'll definitely add that content

11. I'm not planning to do any sex content, so I don't think I'll add that

12. I'm sorry, is the same as what I have said to the others, I can't add so many languages because it would be madness

13. Same as 11

14. That could be interesting

15. I won't do that, I want to keep the slime XD


for 15 you could make the slime give you a piece of her that would make you grow? (i assume that the slime girl can regen) for 8 make it so that something curses you to grow or shrink and make it have some positives so it balance out for 5 make it so you can grow taller. (this is just my interpterion of theses)  


Things that came to mind while playing, and would be best to implement now before the scope of the game grows. I'll focus on more mechanical aspects instead of wishing for anything content wise.

1) I'd be nice to lessen the amount of clicking you need to do for daily tasks like going to work or streaming, something like a "go to work" button on the living room screen.

2) Think about how many of the screens are truly needed, do you need to have separate screens for all the rooms of your home? Or would a more streamlined approach be better with all/most of the actions you can do while home in one menu, with possible sub-menus for stuff like using items

3) As others have said, some sort of a gameplay mechanic tied with growing. Could simply start with getting higher wages from the cafeteria, but possibly after getting big enough it could also have some adverse effects or something

4) Progress bars of some form on the books and growth would be nice

And as a sidenote, there are a few notable typos with the goggles. on one screen they are referred to as "Googgles of Pleasure" and another as "The Googles of Pleasure" (Bolded letters added for emphasis.)

Okay, I'll work on it, I'm planning to do a little update to correct some things and add the save and load options :)


If there were keyboard buttons linked to the onscreen buttons, that’d help people who are tired of using a mouse all day.

(1 edit) (+1)

like other people have said, earn more money from being bigger. it does seem to happen but its not super noticeable and it seems to plateau at like lv 2 or 3 of one aspect. should be a little more significant at the higher levels

higher levels in general. max of 4 for each makes the game super super short. kinda the whole point of the game is to grow so why make such a short limit? i figure higher levels are coming down the line, but if it were me, that would be the number one priority

a change to how the potions work. it should be way more clear how many you need to level up. so we don't waste money on a small potion that never makes a dent. or a big potion when a couple smalls would have done the job. all we really need is a number out of 10 or 100 of how far we are to the next level.

well about the stages of growth it'll be updated slowly, as it takes too long to take the images and to make the code of it and about the potions I'll se what can I do, I'll make my best :)


it would be nice if streaming gave more money the bigger you are instead of random, and like started off slow and scaled. also interacting with the chat.

(1 edit) (+1)

Big idea a way to become like a vampire but insted of drinking blood its draining curves with like a % of chance to gain a level to breasts or ass and if you dont drain curves about each 1 to 10 days you have a % to loose a level vampire stat can be cured but it will make loose 2 levels to ass or breasts if you dont have enough levels it will take a 200$ but if you have under amount that it will take all your money insted fell free to change things can be this update or in a future one dont worry i am patient


That's actually a very good idea, in fact, although I like vampires a lot, I hadn't thought of it. I'll probably add it in a future update, thank you very much for the idea :D


make it so you can only do certain things if your a vampire like some jobs or shops or other thing and make it so that some shop or job only let you in if your not a vampire that would make it interesting and make it so there are other buffs or abilities if your a vampire   

Man we cooking with ideas rn


is it a good idea?



it would also be cool if you could give others a part of your curves. an idea would be to become a succubus or maybe a a werewolf if we're going the supernatural route its kind of weird to have vampires and not werewolves an other idea would be factions for the races or school like the jocks or the nerds and so on


I would like to see events that happen with every new form. Have a certain event happen after getting the slime in its final form. Lastly you can have others you can transform with those potions.

Oh, yeah I like how it sounds, in fact I had already thought about using the potions for other characters, I will work on it



I want milkies


well, I wasn't planning on adding more fetishes, so no promises


Make more money from jobs and streaming every time you get bigger and a height potion to grow taller

yeah, I thought of adding that potion but I'm not really sure as it would affect also the plots


well i think that the mc is smaller than the bully right? so then that's the pretense same as getting bigger its to shut up the bitch


I have some Ideas, 

1. You can learn more with books to earn more money

2. Weight gain potion / food

3. One Very big potion so you have to just drink one potion to get to the next level.

4. More Langues like German (Chat gpt can make this)

5. Events

6. Maybe add a Park

7. When your body gets bigger, the more money you earn from streaming

8. Maybe something where you can invest money 

9. Potions for the slime

10. Earn money from selling pictures and the bigger the curves, the more money you make.

I am sorry for my bad english. When I have more ideas i will defenetly write it to you. 

Ngl if you want a game with weight gain to try big aspirations insted.

Just some ideas I have


1. The books are already integrated in the game, but I plan to add more

2. I'm sorry but I don't like that fetish so I'll not implement that

3. That's a good idea, I'll add that for sure

4. The problem with the languages is that I would have to remake a lot of things, actually I'm not even an English speaker but I did the game in English bc it'd better

5. I don't really know what do you mean with "Events"

6. Yeah I was planning to add a park with some things to do

7. I'll see what can I do

8. Not a bad idea, I'll see what I can do

9. I'm not really sure if I should do that as the slime reaches a decent size of curves.

10. That could be interesting, but the thing is that there would be too much money and you need to have something to spend it on.

Anyway, thank you very much for the suggestions, some of them are very good, I will try to do my best.

Translation into other languages. Моя инглишь не говорить.

How about a passive way to make money each day. Or maybe more interaction with the people at the prologue.

Well I don't know what can I add to create a passive money, but I'll think what can I do


pets would work right? use it as a perk or "reward" for maxing out its growth

uh hmm i like the fantasy stuff like the slime girl it was kinda fun to feed it like a pet so maybe stuff like elves or i dont know furries? or make it so you could grow taller or maybe become somthing like a elf or vampire or something like that would be fun. more pet like things would also be fun too

Oh, do you really want more pets? I mean, I wouldn't mind bc I had thought about doing it but I wasn't really sure, okay I'll think about it, and I'll definetly add something about Vampires ;)


sweet but what about elves or other races would also be fun also make it so when you get to the max "level" of the pets they give a passive or maybe give you small amounts of money per day or make prices of certain thing cheaper or other things like that